Thursday 14 June 2012

Two years ago I would have laughed if you had told me I would be beginning my own Blog, by nature I am a quiet and shy person.  Recently I have found that I have thoughts that I would like to note...
I discovered some wonderful Blog's by other people and when I tried to respond or comment, in a positive way I might add, found my comments deleted because I had not 'logged in' ~sigh~ I needed a Blog to join in!   I wouldn't class myself as inherently stupid, but these days I do struggle to keep up with the mainstream super fast world of technology.  No sooner have I learnt a new online skill than something else pops up in its place.
For two years I have been happily posting photographs of my beadwork and trying to interact on Facebook.  I have noticed that I am absurdly pleased when I have a new 'liker' and that I have more people I talk to online than I do in real life!  I admit some of this may be because it's easier for me to 'talk' to people, as I am hard of hearing.
I have fallen into the same trap as everyone else though, we don't write a letter anymore, we don't say thank you when we should, we don't respect each other, we are bringing up a generation of thoughtless automatons who respond to 'click this', 'log in here', 'like me', 'there's an app for that', etc...
The world is running out of control, we're forgetting what's important in our haste to meet tomorrow.